Wednesday, August 5, 2015


 I have not abandoned the ship. I have just been very busy. I have been caring for a couple extra children in my home, as well as having other teens visit. I think I pretty much spend the day cooking, working, doing laundry and playing referee.

 I have a few things growing in the garden. Little baby cucumbers are sprouting. My wild tomato plants are finally making little green tomatoes. My squash plants look awful but have baby squash on them. I picked a couple beets this week. They are not as big as I would like but they are coming out of the ground. Is that normal? I have no idea.

 My chickens have been on strike since I began this blog. I have only been getting one to two eggs every couple days. Yesterday I got three eggs. I nearly danced to the house with joy. I am hoping we are turning the corner and eggs will be plentiful again. I guess I will not hold my breath on that though, it is after 3pm and I have not seen an egg yet today.

Before I go I would like to just introduce you to a side business of mine. I am a presenter for Younique Cosmetics. It is a wonderful company with THE BEST mascara. On July 15th Younique released an improved version of our signature 3D fiber lash mascara. I have not tried the new formula because I need to use up my old supply. If you are looking for great products and a little extra pocket money leave me a comment. I would love to tell you all the great things about Younique. The best part, we really do get paid instantly to our own pretty purple debit card. How many companies do that?

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