Monday, July 20, 2015

A Slice of Life and Dehydrated Jalapeno Peppers

This is a scene you are not likely to run into often these days. Here we are stopped for a Vermont traffic jam. This farmer rotates his cows on different pastures and to come in for milking they must cross this state road. 

Lovely blushing apples on one of our apple trees.

We have a small grocery store in our area that often has great deals on produce. It is very random what they offer on sale. This past winter they offered jalapeno peppers for .50 a pound. I love filling jalapeno peppers with cheese and baking them wrapped in bacon. I found myself with 2 gallon bags of peppers after stocking up. The only problem with all these peppers are they are taking up precious freezer space. One of the bags got open a little and ice was forming so I thought I should take action. Right now I am dehydrating the icy peppers. Once dry I am going to run them through my ninja to mince them. Once minced and stored I can add them to chili, soups, or other saucy dishes. I can also re-hydrate them to add to cheese sauces, etc. 

Just another way to stretch your food dollars and prevent waste.

Maybe sometime soon I will try and be brave and take you along for a trip to this store via video so you can see what kinds of deals I get. It is always worth checking out smaller stores in your area. Sometimes they can surprise you. 

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