Saturday, July 25, 2015

Egg Update

 I wish I was posting a cheerful update with pictures of fluffy day old chicks. Sadly that is not happening. 

 A few days into our hatching experiment we had some strong thunderstorms come through. We experienced a 5 hour power outage. When the power returned the eggs had gotten very cool. I think this is the point where we lost most of them. 

 In a couple days if all had gone well we would have had chicks starting to peck their way to freedom. Instead I have had leaking rotten eggs. Last night when I went to mist the container for humidity one exploded. I don't think I need to explain the sensory experience I enjoyed. Let me just say I am glad I am past the morning sickness stage of pregnancy or dinner would have been lost. 

 I only have one egg that looks like it might have life in it. I will continue to watch it, remove fizzing rotten eggs and see what happens. I can't see into the dark brown shelled eggs when I candle them so maybe I will be surprised. 

 I do not think this is a incubator problem. I was able to keep the temperature almost perfect other than the night of the power outage. I would not hesitate to use this again to try and hatch eggs. Next time I would think to have a back up plan to keep the eggs warm in the event of an outage.  

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